BYU-Idaho Online Knowledgebase

SIT: Technology Team Process Checklists

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What would you like to work on today?

Which external resource would you like to setup?

Knewton Alta is a complete courseware solution offered by Wiley to higher education institutions. At BYU-Idaho, we use it in these online courses:

  • MATH 112X

Let's get started with the setup process. Please follow the steps carefully to ensure a smooth startup to the semester.

Login to Knewton

Go to Login using the credentials provided by the Online Technology Coordinator.

Create a new course for the upcoming semester

Select the current course from the homepage of Knewton.

Click on “Settings” and scroll to the bottom of the screen.

Click on the “Copy Link” icon to get the URL to create a copy of the Knewton course.

Open a new browser window, paste the copied URL, and go to it.

Change “Course Name” to follow this naming convention:

1. {Course Code}- {Semester}

2. Select "Brigham Young University- Idaho" for institution

1. {Course Code}- {Semester}

2. Select "Brigham Young University- Idaho" for institution

3. Set the appropriate "Course start date" and "Course end date" based in the current semester.

4. Select "Canvas" under the learning management system.

5. Click "Copy" to begin the copy process

The copy process may take a few minutes. Be patient and do not navigate away from the web page while it is processing the request. If you get stuck, please reach out to Knewton support.

Select the main course on the “My Courses” page.

Add instructors to the main course in Knewton

You will need to add individual instructors to the main course each semester so they have access to the connected sections throughout the semester. This can include a Curriculum Designer, Course lead, OCR, or ACL. Follow these steps to add them to the course.

Select "Add Instructions" at the top of the course homepage.

Select "Copy Link" to get the url to share with the instructors

Go to outlook and create an email. Send the individuals this link so they can enroll in the couse as a teacher. Only share it with the specified individuals in the external resources setup notes or within the course setup notes.

Here is an email template you can consider using to email those individuals.

Create sections in Knewton and Connect to Canvas

Once you’ve created the semester master and enrolled the necessary instructors, it’s time to create the sections for each instructor who will be teaching that semester and connect Knewton to Canvas. Please follow these steps to complete that task.

Go to the section master and open settings. Scroll down to “LMS configuration.” (1)

Click “Copy Link” to get the URL needed for Canvas Blueprint in the upcoming semester. (2)

Login to Canvas with your admin account and navigate to the Online sub-account.

  1. Filter by semester that is upcoming.
  2. Search based on the course code that you need to find.
  3. Open up the blueprint for that course and navigate to the assignments tool.

If done properly, you should only see a blueprint and a handful of sections. Remember, it’s important to work in the correct semester and you will need to impersonate the instructor. Failure to do so can cause problems with the integration.

Once you are in the course, please navigate to the "Assignments" tool.

Filter the assignments by this term: link (1)

Edit the assignment titled “Link this section to Knewton Alta” by selecting the three dots and choosing “Edit” from the drop-down menu. (2)

Select "More Options" to continue into the advanced editing menu.

Past copied URL in the field titled "Enter or find an External Tool URL"

Save the assignment. Do not click the Save and Publish button, just the Save. Once saved, sync the blueprint to the sections.

Be careful not to change any other settings for this assignment. You just need to update the URL for the external tool to the one you got from the current semester Knewton master.

Go back to Canvas admin and filter by semester and course code.

Impersonate the first instructor in the first section for the upcoming semester. (1) Go into the course and find the assignments tool. (2) Filter the assignments by the word "link" (3) and open that one in a new tab. (4)

Make sure you are in a section and not the blueprint for the following steps.

Click "Load Link this section to Knewton Alta in a new window"

Select "YES I'M SURE, CREATE" if the information matches what it should be for upcoming semester.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the section creation process for Knewton and that instructor. Please repeat this process for any other instructors in that semester.

Go to the section master (1) and open settings (2). Scroll down to "LMS Configuration. (3)" Click "Copy Link" (4) to get the URL needed for the Review Center to put into the Canvas blueprint in the upcoming semester.

For these next steps, make sure you are NOT impersonating any instructor.

In canvas, go to the upcoming Semester Blueprint and navigate to the assignments tool.

Filter the assignment by this term: review (1) and edit the assignment titled "Review Center" by selecting the three dots (2) and choosing "Edit" from the drop-down menu (3).

Select "More Options" to continue into the advanced editing menu.

Past copied URL in the field titled "Enter or find an External Tool URL". Save the assignment.

Be careful not to change any other settings for this assignment. You just need to update the URL for the external tool to the one you got from the current semester Knewton master.

Congratulations! You successfully updated the review center link in the sections. You don't need to repeat since you made the change in the blueprint. Great work!

What would you like to do today?


Follow these instructions to connect Canvas with ALEKS used in your course. This is important to be able to deeply integrate the assignments and pass grades back and forth between Canvas and ALEKS.

Log-in to I-Learn Canvas.

Go to to login. Once there select desired course with ALEKS.

Click on the "Modules" button from the navigation's tab

Select ALEKS textbook for this specific course from the Textbook Information module of the course.

Click on the "Load ALEKS: textbook in a new window" button

Authorize the integration for Canvas.

You will need to authorize Canvas to access ALEKS. Don't worry if this doesn't appear for you, since it may have already been authorized on your behalf as part of the integration setup process.

You will notice that the blurred brand logo looks like the Cisco Webex brand logo. When you are in this stage of the process, the logo will have the McGraw-Hill brand logo.

Select "Continue" to pair your ALEKS account with Canvas.

If you already have an ALEKS account click the "Yes, I want to use my existing ALEKS account" button. If you do not have an ALEKS account click on the "No, I am new to ALEKS" button. If you have an account but have forgotten your account details proceed to the next step for information.

Please select which answer best applies to you:

Please enter your email address [1] and password [2] and click "Sign In" [3].

Please select "Register for a Connect account" to begin the registration process for an account.

Go to

Visit and click on the "Log In" button

Click the "Forgot your login info?" button

Enter information on the given spaces

Enter the information on the given spaces[1]. Once information has been entered, click the "SUBMIT" button[2]. it will then redirect you to another page saying that a confirmation has been sent to your email. Once done, you should be able to complete the rest of the process.

Make sure to enter your school email.

You have completed the steps to pair your Canvas account with ALEKS.

Once you are logged in, you've finished the process to connect the two accounts. The Systems and Innovation Technology team will continue the process to integrate your ALEKS course with Canvas. Thanks for your patience in this process.

If you have further questions regarding this article or ALEKS, please contact the Systems Integration Team.

McGraw-Hill Connect is an ed-tech software that provides personalized course management tools for instructors. It is a software in which students can read, take notes, and download e-books through one of its features called the ReadAnywhere.

What do you want to work on?

Navigate to Setup Notes and the Syllabus.

Go to Pages.

pages tab

Click View All Pages.

View all pages

Open Setup Notes and Course Settings.

Select setup notes

Read through the McGraw-Hill Connect assignment instructions to find the Available From, Due Date, and Until date structure.

Setup notes example

Keep this page open as a reference for the dates you will soon add in MHC.

Also open the syllabus and scroll to the bottom of the page. The dates set for the assignments will also be a helpful guide.

Change McGraw-Hill dates to match the Canvas instructions.

Login to McGraw-Hill Connect using Brother Moore's credentials in another tab.

Sign in to MHC

If you do not know Brother Moore's account, ask the leads.

Go to the McGraw-Hill Connect master course (for this example, we will use PSYCH 350).

Change the name to match the semester. Click the three dots to the right, click "Edit title/Time zone" (1), then edit the Course name field to change the semester/year (ex. FA23) (2). Click Save (3).

Edit title

Click on the link to the Online Master.

Master Course

Click the checkbox next to each assignment you will edit the date for.

To select all at once, click the top-right box to check all the boxes.

Select assignments

If the course has many assignments, only check a portion of the assignments at a time.

If you take too long editing dates in the next steps, MHC will log-out when you click save, and your progress will be lost.

Click the layer button (1), then select Manage dates (2).

Manage dates

On the top right-hand side, click individually.

Individually tab

Refer to Canvas Setup Notes and Course Settings you opened in another tab for the dates. Individually change the dates for each assignment (1). Once you are done, click Save (2).

change dates

Complete the last 4 steps until all assignments have had their dates updated.

Double and triple check that all dates look correct.

Congratulations! You have successfully changed the dates for the assignments.

Check assignment pairing.

Open all MHC modules (if necessary) to show all assignments.

Each assignment used in Canvas should have a Canvas logo next to it.

Canvas deployed symbol

If you see a yellow triangle or no Canvas symbol on the assignments, you will need to take further steps.

Do all necessary assignments deploy to Canvas (have the Canvas symbol)?

Congrats! You have successfully finished all Pre-Copy needs.

With permission, add Corey Moore to the Canvas Master as an instructor.

While impersonating Corey Moore, go to McGraw-Hill Connect in Navigation.

Modules in navigation

Click Sync with my Connect section.

Pair with a Connect Section link

If there are no assignments in the section "Unlinked assignments", click Submit.

Submit button

If there are any "Unlinked" assignments, DO NOT submit and consult a lead or Brother Moore for further instruction.

Once any issues have been resolved, stop impersonating the instructor.

Congrats! You have successfully finished all Pre-Copy needs.

Copy the MHC course to instructors.

Open the sheet ERR Semester Section List & Info. Open the tab for the semester you are setting up for.

Use CTRL+F or create a filter view to search for the course sections you are working in.

Instructor's email

Copy the instructor's email.

Open Canvas.

Go to Admin (1) and select Online (2).

Online tab

Go to People (1), then paste the instructor's email you copied (2). Click the instructor's name (3).

FInd the instructor

Click Act as user.

Act as a user link

Click Proceed.

Course section

Click Courses (1), then click All Courses (2).

All Courses

Open the most recent semester they've taught the course.

If the instructor has not taught a previous semester, open the future semester's section.

Previous semesters

Click McGraw-Hill Connect in Navigation.

MHC link

Find email associated with the MHC account and copy it.

MHC email in Canvas

If you encounter the following screen, please stop and go back to Additional Help at the beginning of the McGraw-Hill Connect setup guide.

screen when the instructor is not login.

Click Stop Acting As User in the bottom right corner.

Stop Acting as User

Paste the MHC email into the column Alternative Email in the ERR Semester Section List & Info sheet.

Alternative Email on sheet

Go back to the McGraw-Hill Connect account with all the master courses.

Find the course master.

MHC Master Course

Click the cog wheel button (1) and select Copy section (2).

Cogwheel button and copy section

Paste the emails collected for that course in the Alternative Email column in the ERR Semester Section List & Info sheet (you can paste up to 10 emails at a time) (1).

Even if an instructor teaches more than one section, only paste their email once.

Click Find colleagues (1), then click Copy (2).

MHC enter emails and Save

Does the instructor teach more than one section?

Go to the Canvas section you will be pairing and impersonate the instructor.

If the instructor has not been added to the section yet, you will need to add the instructor, impersonate them, then accept the invitation in order to proceed.

Click McGraw-Hill Connect in Navigation.

MHC link

Click Pair with a Connect Section.

Pair with a Connect Section

Choose Pair with: A section in an existing Connect course.

An existing connect course

Find the Master course for that semester (1), choose that semester's copy (2), then click Save (3).

Semester copy in MHC selection

Congratulations! You have paired MHC with the Canvas section.

Go to the instructor's first Canvas section you will be pairing and impersonate the instructor.

If the instructor has not been added to the section yet, you will need to add the instructor, impersonate them, then accept the invitation in order to proceed.

Click McGraw-Hill Connect in Navigation.

MHC link

Click Pair with a Connect Section.

Pair with a Connect Section

Choose Pair with existing.

An existing connect course

Find the Master course for that semester (1), choose that semester's copy (2), then click Save (3).

Semester copy in MHC selection

Congratulations! You have paired the instructor's first Canvas section with MHC.

Pair the instructor's second section.

Open the instructor's first section you just paired and open up their MHC.

Go to my Connect section

Click on My courses.

"My Courses" button

Find the first section you just set up. Click the cogwheel (1), then click Duplicate section (2).

Section cogwheel

Remove "copy of ", then change the section number to the second section you are setting up for (1), then click Continue to new section (2).

Duplicate section

Follow the same steps you followed to pair the first section:

Go to the instructor's second section (1), open McGraw-Hill Connect (2), and click on the new MHC section you just created (3).

(It will appear as a second item in the same semester textbook as the instructor's first section.)

Click Save.

Congratulations! You have paired the instructor's second Canvas section with MHC.

Edit the MHC section name.

Click Go to my Connect section.

Go to my Connect section

Click the cogwheel to the right of the instructor's name (1), then click edit section name & web address (2).

Edit section name button

Place the following naming conventions:

Section name: COURSE CODE: Online [SEM.##] [YEAR##] (Section [##])

Web Address: [everything until online]-semester-####-sec-##


  • PSYCH 350: Online FA23 (Section A1)
  • [...]online-fall-2023-sec-a1

Click Save, then click Ok to the two alerts that pop up.

Section naming

Does the course use any deployed assignments?

Some courses only use a tool from MHC and not any assignments. Check setup notes to see if this is the case.

EX: NUTR 150 uses only the Calculator, not the assignments

Sync the assignments.

In the canvas course, click Sync with my Connect section.

Pair with a Connect Section link

Click Submit.

If there are any "Unlinked" assignments, DO NOT submit and consult a lead or Brother Moore for further instruction.

Submit button

Once the assignments are finished syncing, click Go to my Connect section.

Pair with a Connect Section link

Open all the modules (if applicable) to show all the assignments. Ensure that all assignments that should be deployed have the Canvas logo next to them. It may take a few minutes to finish syncing.

Deployed symbol

Not all assignments in a course may need to be deployed. Check setup notes or ask for help if you aren't sure.

Go back to the Canvas section. Click on Assignments.

Assignments in Navigation

Open a few MHC assignments to ensure that the button directs you to the correct McGraw-Hill Connect assignment.

Load in a new window

Congratulations! You've successfully finished syncing assignments into a Canvas section.

Hide all assignments in McGraw-Hill Connect.

Open the instructor's MHC.

Go to my Connect section

Click the Eye icon on all assignments so that the icon has a slash through it. This means it is not visible to students.

Make sure to leave any tools visible that might be needed.

Ex. In NUTR 150, leave the food calculator visible.

Test the course by going back to Canvas and clicking "Sync Assignments".

You should not see any assignments to deploy. If you do, click "Cancel" and hide that assignment in MHC.

If you do not see anything to deploy, then congrats! You've finished setting up a course section that does not use assignments in MHC.

If you encounter this screen, it most likely means your instructor is new and hasn't logged into McGraw-Hill Connect before. You will not be able to finish setting up this section until they have logged in.

screen when the instructor is not login.

You will need to send an email to the instructor instructing them to login to McGraw-Hill Connect.

Send an email to the instructor.

Find the instructor's BYUI email found on the ERR Semester Section List & Info sheet.

Sheet emails

Create an email draft.

  1. "To" field: The instructor's email.
  2. "CC" field: [email protected], [email protected]

Use this template for the email:

Hello [Instructor's name],

I'm [your name], a [project lead] on Brother Moore's SIT team. I am setting up your [COURSE CODE-Section##] course for [Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall] semester. In order for me to finish setting up the integration McGraw-Hill Connect with your section, would you please follow these steps to log in:

Again, don't worry about pairing your section with McGraw-Hill Connect, we will do that part. Let me know when you've completed these steps.

Thank you for your assistance,

[Your name and signature]

Send this email, and congratulations! You've finished informing the instructor on how to login. Once they've completed their part, you can continue setting up this section.

What are trying to do today?

Login to McGrawHill SIMNet using Brother Moore's account. This is what you see when you login.


In the left menu, select "Courses" [1], then select "View All" [2].

Courses: View All

Identify the course you will be working on (1). Select "Organize" from the drop-down menu (2).


Select the Week drop-down arrow [1] to see the week assignments. Then, select the first assignment [2].

Week drop-down

To the right of the assignment list, click on each assignments to change the start and end due dates. Edit the dates according to the course setup notes.

Make sure to change all date fields that have dates in them. If the field is blank, don't add any dates there.

Change dates

Scroll down to the bottom of this menu, then click "Save". (You do not need to adjust any other fields.)

Save button

Continue to change the dates for all of the course's assignments.

Congratulations! You've finished changing dates for the McGraw-Hill SIMNet master.

Master Setup

Find the correct SIMNet emails.

Open the sheet ERR Semester Section List & Info. Open the tab for the semester you are setting up for.

Use CTRL+F or create a filter view to search for the course sections you are working in.

Instructor's email

Copy the instructor's email.

Open Canvas.

Go to Admin (1) and select Online (2).

Online tab

Go to People (1), then paste the instructor's email you copied (2). Click the instructor's name (3).

FInd the instructor

Click Act as user.

Act as a user link

Click Proceed.

Course section

"If you encounter this screen when you click McGraw Hill Connect, please stop and ask a lead for assistance, the instructor needs to log in with their credentials before you can continue."

screen when the instructor is not login.

Click Courses (1), then click All Courses (2).

All Courses

Open the most recent semester they've taught the course.

Previous sections

If the instructor has not taught a previous semester, open the future semester's section.

Click McGraw-Hill SIMnet in Navigation.

MH SIMnet button

Click Full SIMnet in the top right corner.

Open full window

Click on the instructor's name in the top right corner of the new window that opens (1). You can find their username and email in this panel (2). Copy the username.

Open Profile

Click Stop Acting As User in the bottom right corner.

Stop Acting as User

Paste the McGraw-Hill SIMnet username/email into the column Alternative Email in the ERR Semester Section List & Info sheet.

Alternative Email on sheet

Create a copy of the SIMnet master.

Go to Courses (1) and select View All (2).

navigating to courses

Find the right course (1) and on the right-hand side, click the drop-down under Actions (2).

finding the right course

Select Copy to Course.

Copy to Course

Update course name and settings for the new copy.

  1. Class Title: [Class Name] - Online [Semester Year] (ex: 2021) - Section [##]
  2. Section Title: [Course Code] - [Short Semester Name; Year Abbrev.] - Section [##]
  3. Replace the start and end dates with your semester dates.
  4. Uncheck “Replace dates”
  5. Click Next
Copy section setup

Add the correct instructor.

Remove any instructors currently in the Assigned Instructors box.

Instructors in the section

On the left side (shown below), locate the correct instructor using the username you found earlier.

Select their name, and click “Add”. (The row will turn blue when you have selected a name).

Left side instructor search

Once the new instructor has shown up on the right side of this screen, exit out of this tab.

Pair the Canvas section with SIMnet.

Find the section you will set up in Canvas. Impersonate the instructor (you may need to add them first). Go into the section you are setting up for as the instructor.

Select McGraw-Hill SIMnet in Navigation.

Select Authorize.


Select Next (we do not edit anything on this step).


Click Continue to SIMnet.

Continue to SIMnet

Deploy assignments.

Select Push.

Once it has finished deploying the assignments from SIMnet to Canvas, click on Integrate.


On the Available SIMnet Assignments section, make sure you do not see a drop-down icon for any weeks. No assignments should be in any of those folders.

Available assignments

In the Assignments Integrated with LMS section, open all the week drop-down icons. All assignments should be organized into the correct weeks.

Integrated assignments

If assignments are in the Available side or in the wrong folders on the Integrated side, talk to a lead.

Congratulations! You have finished setting up a Canvas section with McGraw-Hill SIMnet!


Some courses use SIMnet (from McGraw-Hill) as part of the textbook package. If your course is one of them, you will see a widget on your course homepage that looks like this:

setting up SIMnet account

Create a SIMnet Account

  • If you already have a SIMnet account, just login.
  • If you don't, select "No" (1) then, click "Create Account" (2). It will take you to the homepage right away. SIMnet will make an account for you based on the information they have.


Instructions on how to create account

Once you click "Create account", you will see the home page of SIMnet. Check your email first to know your login information.

Email and Password.

Once you have an account, SIMnet will send you an email containing your login information. Click the link to go to the home page.

Link to McGrawHill SIMnet

Login using the email and password SIMnet provided for you.

Login information

Once you signed in, it will take you to the homepage that looks like this:


Change your Password

At the top right hand of your screen, click your name.

Name tab

At the bottom of your screen, change your password.

Change password

Don't worry if the screen didn't change once you hit "Change Password". Just sign out and check if your new password works.

Congratulations! You've successfully created an account in McGrawHill SIMnet.


What would you like to complete today?

Learn how to create a semester master course in Möbius, add dates, and edit settings.

Login to Möbius.

  1. Go to
  2. Login using the credentials provided by the Online Technology Coordinator.

Only one person can work in the Möbius account at a time. If you have not been granted access through LastPass, contact the Online Technology Coordinator.

Möbius login page

Create Möbius online semester "child" course for the upcoming semester.

This step only needs to be done once per semester.

Möbius homepage
  1. Using the Search Page feature (Command + F on a Mac, Control + F on a PC), type the course code into the search bar to find the Master Course.
  2. Open the Math108X - Master Course Homepage.
Möbius list classes
  1. From the Master Course Class Homepage, click on "Add Child Class."
Add Child course from Master
  1. Fill in the settings for the new Child course you created in the other tab, updating the name with the following conventions:
    1. Semester Courses: Online - Semester Year - COURSE_CODE (ex. Online - Winter 2023 - MATH 108X)
    2. WWB Courses: Online - Semester Year - COURSE CODE WWB Block #                           (ex. Online - Winter 2023 - MATH 108X WWB Block 1)
  2. Click the option "Instructors must enroll students."
  3. Click "Submit."
Child class Class Details
  1. Click on "Edit."
Edit Child Class
  1. Click the box next to "Featured Class."
  2. Click "Submit."
Class details click Featured Class

Congratulations! You have successfully created the new Möbius child course for the upcoming semester.

Modify setting in online semester master based on course setup notes.

Open up the "Course Setup Notes" in the Canvas Master course.

Keep this page open in a separate tab while you are working in Möbius as you complete the following instructions.

Setup Notes

Log into Möbius. Open the semester master's homepage previously created.

Click on "Content Repository."


Click on the particular assignment you want to change settings for.

Click "Edit."

Click on "3. Properties."

Properties in Möbius

Following the Master Course's "Setup Notes & Course Settings," adjust any settings that each specific assignment requires.

Below is an example of what Möbius notes in the Canvas Setup Notes & Course Settings page may look like.

Möbius setup notes & course settings example
External Resources page notes

Often, Möbius instructions in setup notes are in red text, but not always. Always check the full page for any mention of Möbius to follow directions exactly.

Maximum Attempts: When there is a limited number of times the students can attempt an assignment, quiz, or exam, you must enter a number in the box to the right of "Maximum Attempts."

General Properties in Möbius

Time Limit: When a time limit is required, enter the number of minutes in the box next to "Time Limit."

General Properties in Möbius

When specified, choose to turn Show Final Grade on or off.

From the drop-down menu, you can choose to show the correct answer always, never, or at certain times.

Feedback (After)

Most courses do not have Start/End dates set in Möbius. Check setup notes to know if you can remove those dates completely.

  1. If you need to remove dates, uncheck the Start/End Date boxes.
  2. If you need to have dates in Möbius, use the calendar icon to select the correct time and date.
Dates in Mobius

Most courses require force grading at the end of the semester.

According to the Setup Notes instructions, set the Force Grading date/time using the calendar icon to the right of the Schedule Force Grading On box.

Force Grade Date

When you have completed all setting changes for the assignment, click "Save & Close" at the bottom of the page.

Save & Close Möbius edits

Congratulations! You have modified the settings for a Möbius assignment. Repeat this step for each assignment, quiz, and exam specified in the Setup Notes & Course Settings.

Learn how to pair Canvas sections to Möbius sections.

Search Canvas for MATH 108X and filter by desired term.

  1. Log in to Canvas through your CCT or OL account, and go to the BYU-Idaho tab and click on "Courses."
  2. Search "MATH 108X" in the search bar.
  3. Filter by the term you want to set up (i.e. Winter 2022).

Make sure to only work in sections of the course NOT in Blueprint or Master versions.

Filter and search for course in Canvas

Congratulations! You successfully filter the course by desired term.

Do not close this tab.

Is the instructor added to the course?

Impersonate the instructor for that section

  1. Click on the instructor's name for the section you're working on.
Click on instructor name
  1. Click on "User Account Details."
User account details
  1. Click "Act as User."
Act as user
  1. Click "Proceed."
Act as user proceed
  1. Go to the teacher's section that you want to set up.
Go to section

Congratulations! You have impersonated the Instructor for the proper section. Continue on to the next article to set up Möbius in the section.

Add the instructor to the course

In a new tab, Login to Trello and find the card you wish to work on.

Find Trello card.

Check which section you need to work on and choose one.

Choose Section

Click "Instructor & Section Information".

Instructor & section information link

Find the instructor under the section you chose and copy their email address.

Instructor's email address

Go back to the Previous tab (1). Find the section you chose (2) and click it (3).  

Go to the right section

Missing a step here.

Click "+People".

+People tab

Paste the instructor's email address in the box (1). Set the role to "Teacher" (2) and make sure that the section is correct (3). Click "Next" (4).

Paste the email

Go back to the previous window. missing a step here.

Click "Act as User".

Impersonate the instructor

At the bottom of the screen, click "Proceed".

Proceed to impersonate the instructor.

Once you're impersonating the instructor,  it will bring you to their dashboard. Accept the invitation at the top of your screen.

Accept the invitation.

Congratulations! You've successfully added the instructor to the course.

Set up Möbius in the selected Canvas section and link to Gradebook and Course Homepage.

Make sure you are impersonating the Instructor before completing the following steps.

  1. Go into the selected Canvas section and click on "Modules."
Click on Modules in Canvas
  1. Scroll down and click on "Möbius Gradebook."
Mobius Gradebook
  1. Click on "New Class".
New Class in Canvas from Möbius
  1. Change the class name according to the following naming convention: Math for the Real World: Section ## ([Semester Initial][Last 2 digits of Year]).                                                                                                      [e.g Math for the Real World: Section 47 (WI23)].
  2. Follow this naming convention for Class Short Name: MATH 108X Sec. ## ([Semester Initial] [Last 2 digits of the Year]).                                                                                                                                                              [e.g MATH 108X Sec. 47 (WI23)].
  3. Click the circle next to "Instructors must enroll students."
  4. Use the dropdown list next to "Inherit content from" and choose the name of the Child class created for the semester.
  5. Click "Submit."
Create new section in Möbius
  1. Make sure that the selected class in the dropdown menu is correct.
  2. Click "Link to Gradebook."
Möbius Link to Gradebook

Congratulations! You have set up Möbius and linked the Gradebook for a deep-linked section in Canvas. Repeat this step for every section of the course.

Link Möbius assignments in Canvas

Make sure you are impersonating the Instructor before completing the following steps.

  1. Click on  "Pages".
  2. Click on "Setup Notes & Course Settings".
Setup notes & Course Settings
  1. Read through all the Setup Notes & Course Settings to be aware of what the section-specific instructions are for Möbius assignment setup.
  2. Keep the Setup Notes & Course Settings page open while you set up Möbius for the assignments.
  3. Click on "Assignments."


Click on Assignments
  1. Scroll down to where the Möbius assignments are and click on the first one.
Scroll to Mobius assignments
  1. Click "Load [Assignment Name] in a new window."
Load assignment in a new window
  1. Make sure the correct section has been chosen from the dropdown menu.
  2. Choose the correct lesson or assignment from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click "Link to Assignment."
Link to assignment

Congratulations! You have successfully linked and connected settings for a Möbius assignment in Canvas. Continue to link and update settings for each assignment, quiz, and exam connected in Möbius.

Create a duplicate assignment.

Go to the Assignments tab in the left navigation.


Click the +Assignment button in the top right corner (open this in a new tab)


In both of the assignment pages, click "Edit" in the top right corner.

Edit button

Copy and paste the materials into the new assignment (Make sure it looks EXACTLY the same as the old assignment). Make sure you add:

  1. Title
  2. Instructions (insert from HTML editor)
  3. Points
  4. Assignment Groups
  5. Display Grade as
  6. Submission Type (should be external resource: Möbius, then check the box "load in a new window")
  7. Submission Attempts
  8. Assign Dates
  9. Click "Save and Publish"
Assignment settings

In the old assignment, add DELETE to the title, then click Save.

Go to Modules and add the assignment to the module.

Click the (+) button in the top right corner (1).

Then choose the assignment from the menu (2) and click "Add Item" (3).

Add to module

Move the new assignment beneath the old assignment.

Add the requirements to the assignment.

  1. Click the three buttons in the top right corner of the module.
  2. Click Edit and scroll down to the bottom of the requirements.
  3. Click + Add Requirement.
  4. Add the new assignment with the drop down menu and add the requirement the old assignment has.
  5. Click Update Module.
Edit requirements
Add requirement
Update Module

If a warning pop up happens, just exit out of it in the top right corner.

Go back to the assignments tab and delete the older assignment.

In Assignments, click on the three dots to the right of the old assignment click Delete.

Go back to "Assignments" in Navigation.


Click on the three dots next to the mislinked, DELETE assignment (1) and click "Delete" (2).

Delete assignment

Congrats! You have fixed the mis-linked assignment by creating a new one, adding it to modules with the correct settings and requirements, and removed the old assignment from the course.

Refer to Pearson - MyLab instructions in this article to complete this integration's setup.

Follow these instructions to connect Canvas with the Pearson MyLab product included in your course. This is important to be able to deep integrate the assignments and pass grades back and forth between both systems. Remember to expand each checklist item to see screenshots and more information about that particular step.

What would you like to do today?

Create a Copy of a Pearson MyLab Course.

Impersonate a lead instructor (for ECON 151, for example, this is Wendy Gardner).

Open their most recent Canvas course. In Navigation, click on Course Materials.

Course Materials

Select Launch Courseware.

Launch Courseware

Select Open MyLab & Mastering.

Open MyLab

Select Back to my courses.

Back to my courses

Find the most recent semester's section in the list of cards (this will most likely be the current semester).

Copy the code at the top of the card.

Copy code

Paste the code somewhere safe to be used for post-copy setup.

You only do this with one instructor. Once you copy this code and save it somewhere, you are done with pre-copy setup!

NOTE: VerbaConnect needs to be completed before you will be able to do Pearson Post-Copy setup.

What would you like to do today?

Create a copy of the MyLab course.

Search for the section you will be setting up for in Canvas.

Impersonate the instructor.

You may need to enroll the instructor if they aren't added to the course yet. Then, impersonate the instructor accept the course from their dashboard.

Open the section you are setting up.

In Navigation, select Course Materials.

Select Launch Courseware.

Paste the copy code you saved in Pre-Copy setup.

Select the course that appears as a result.

If there is a notice saying the textbook edition will be ending/expiring, inform Brother Moore and the corresponding designer.

Type in the name of the new course following these naming conventions:

  • Course Name: Online [Semester ####] Section ##
  • Ex: Online Fall 2023 Section A1

Check the box Student-use course.

Check the box Instructor can copy this course.

Add start/end dates.

Create the copy. This may take a few minutes. 

Adjust dates according to setup notes.

In Canvas, open the course's Setup Notes page. Use this page as a reference for the date structure you will be setting for the new semester.

Select Open MyLab & Mastering.

Select Assignments and navigate to the date editor.

Adjust dates according to Setup Notes, then click Save.

Double and triple check that dates and times are correct.

Copy the code for the new MyLab course with adjusted dates.

Select Back to my courses.

Back to my courses

Find the card in the list of courses for the semester you have just changed the date for. Copy the code at the top of the card.

Paste the code in a safe place. You will be using this code for all other sections for this semester.

Sync the assignments.

Navigate back to this page for Pearson MyLab (you can find it by re-clicking Launch Courseware from Course Materials). Click on the tab Grade Sync.

Grade Sync

Make sure Automatic Grade Sync is "On" (1). Check the box All to select all assignments (2), then click Sync Grades Now (3).

Auto sync

You may get errors saying not all the assignments could sync. This is okay; simply re-select all assignments, then click Sync Grades Now again.

You may need to do this several times to sync all assignments successfully.

Congrats! You have finished setting up the first section of this course that uses Pearson MyLab.

Create a copy of the MyLab course.

Open another Canvas section to set up for this course. Search for another Canvas section of this course to set up. Enroll the instructor if needed.

Impersonate the instructor (and accept the course from their dashboard if necessary).

Open the section you are setting up. In Navigation, select Course Materials.

Select Launch Courseware.

Paste the copy code you saved in Post-Copy > First Section setup.

This should be the course with the correct dates for the new semester.

Select the course that appears as a result.

Type in the name of the new course following these naming conventions:

  • Course Name: Online [Semester ####] Section ##
  • Ex: Online Fall 2023 Section A2

Check the box Student-use course.

Check the box Instructor can copy this course.

Add start/end dates.

Create the copy. This may take a few minutes. 

Sync the assignments.

Click on the tab Grade Sync.

Grade Sync

Make sure Automatic Grade Sync is "On" (1). Check the box All to select all assignments (2), then click Sync Grades Now (3).

Auto sync

You may get errors saying not all the assignments could sync. This is okay; simply re-select all, then click Sync Grades Now again.

You may need to do this several times to sync all assignments successfully.

Login to I-Learn Canvas.

Go to to login.

Go to your dashboard and find the course with MyLab.

Typically, this is a course coming up in the next semester. Currently, this can include math, economic, and geology courses.

Canvas Course Dashboard

Select "Course Materials" from the left navigation bar of the course.

Canvas Course Homepage

A new page will open to VitalSource giving the option to "Read Now" or "Launch Courseware."

VitalSource Homepage

Select "Launch Courseware" to Authorize the integration for Canvas.

Launch courseware on VitalSource homepage

Note: This may appear as a 'Pop-up' window, so you have to enable it if it's not opening.

You will need to authorize Canvas to access MyMathLab. Don't worry if this doesn't appear for you, since it may have already been authorized on your behalf as part of the integration setup process. Select "Authorize" in the Canvas box that appears to continue.

Canvas authorize screen for Pearson

Accept the Pearson user agreement.

This includes Pearson's Privacy and End-User agreements necessary to use their software.

Pearson policy acceptance page

Once you have finished, you will be directed to Pearson's "Link Accounts" page.

Do you have an existing Pearson Account?

This can include an account from other institutions you teach at, however, we encourage you to use an account associated with your BYU-Idaho email.

If you already have a Pearson account, sign in.

Pearson sign-in screen

You will see the following message once you have finished connecting your Pearson account to Canvas.

Pearson congratualtions screen

When you have finished connecting your Pearson account to Canvas, and you will see the textbook information.

If you do not have an account, you will have to contact a sales representative.

Please sign up using the information that was provided with your course in the General Teaching Notes.

Pearson sign-in screen
Congratulations! Pearson is now connected to Canvas and ready to set up.

Please let the Systems and Innovation team know by responding to their email they sent that you completed this process. Thanks!

Follow the steps below when setting up a Pearson MyMathLab Course and integrating it into Canvas.

You will most likely need to use Brother Moore's Canvas account when setting up this integration.

1. If this is the first time in a MyMathLab (MML) needs to be setup for a course (PH, MATH, etc) you will need to setup an MML master course.

  1. Go to the OCR’s (instructor’s) currently running course in Canvas.
  2. Impersonate them
  3. Open “Course Materials” from the navigation bar
  4. After the new tab opens, select “Launch Courseware” 
  5. This will open another tab, and you will select “Open myMathLab” (yellow button)
  6. This will take you to the home screen. There is a navigation bar on the left. Select “My courses”.
  7. There will be textbook cards from each semester. Locate the card from the previous semester (if you’re setting up for W20, find the F19).
  8. Find the course id number on the card and copy it. 
  9. After you have copied the course id, go to the right corner and select “Copy/Create a Course”
  10. This will take you to a different screen. It will show you the course you are copying from and some fields to fill out below. 
  11. This should be selected as an “Instructor” course
  12. Make sure to set the new course name to “Course Name: Online Master”.
  13. In the “description” field below that, put “This is used to create section courses each semester. Please do not delete.”
  14. Make sure the dates are NOT copied into this new MML course
  15. Make sure “instructor can copy this course” is selected. 
  16. After these steps you are clear to create the course. 
  17. This can take up to 10 minutes to create. Go ahead and exit out of MML and wait a few minutes on the Canvas page.

2. Updating assignments in the MML Online Master

  1. You should’ve stayed on the Canvas page while waiting for the MML course to finish creating. 
  2. Open “AutoAccess Dashboard” from the navigation bar
  3. After the new tab opens, select “Launch Courseware” 
  4. This will open another tab, and you will select “Open myMathLab” (yellow button)
  5. Find the option to edit assignments. There can be a couple of options depending on the course: “Manage assignments” or “All assignments”
  6. After you are able to access assignments, locate the button that will allow you to edit: “Change assignments due dates/settings” or “Edit”
  7. Update dates to that are appropriate for the semester you are setting the integration for. 
  8. If you are positive an assignment(s) is not used in the course, you can delete it (them). 

3. A course will need to be copied for the individual sections

  1. When you have finished updating the assignments, go to “My Courses” in the navigation bar.
  2. Locate the course id on this “online master” course card and copy it. Paste it on a GoogleKeep note or somewhere you can reference it. You will need this shortly.
  3. Once that is copied, close the MML tabs. 
  4. When you’re back in Canvas, stop impersonating the instructor. 
  5. Search for the upcoming semester that you are setting up for, and enroll the instructor needed for that section.
  6. After enrolling them, impersonate and accept the pending course. 
  7. Go into this course you just accepted, and select “AutoAccess Dashboard”
  8. Select “Launch Courseware”
  9. This will take you to a page which contains the old MML course as well as a search bar at the bottom.
  10. Go to the search bar and put in that course id you copied in step “b”. 
  11. Select the “Online Master” course that will come up. 
  12. This will take you to the page to copy the course. This time you will name it “Course Name: Online [Appropriate Semester] Section [##]”. 
  13. Make sure this is a “Student Course”
  14. Check “Instructor can copy this course”
  15. Add start/end dates
  16. Create the copy. This may also take a few minutes. 

4. Using the section copy of the MML course

  1. Close the MML tabs and go back to Canvas
  2. Wait a few minutes, and then open “Course Materials”
  3. Follow steps “c-e” in #1. 
  4. Check the assignments to ensure dates are correct. 
  5. You may have to update the end dates for assignments if they are different from the master.
  6. After assignments are reviewed, go back to the page with the yellow button. Select “Grade Sync” in between “Instructor Tools” and “Help & Support”
  7. When you’re in this tab, make sure “Automatic Grade Sync” is turned on. Select the assignments you need synced, and select “Sync Grades Now”
  8. This should take less than a minute. 

5. Go to the Canvas course. (This should be the course that you're setting up for mentioned in #3.f)

  1. Ensure assignments are put into the correct assignment category. 
  2. You may need to link them on a page, or make sure the assignments are added into the correct module. This will depend on the course. (Look at PH 223 W20 or MATH 215 W20 for examples)

What would you like to do today?

Locate the Copy Code from the current semester.

Impersonate the course lead and open their current semester's section.

Go to Course Materials in Navigation.

Click on the 3 dots to the right of the Textbook (1) and select Allow Copy (2). Copy code (3).

Revel Setup Process - Google Docs - Google Chrome
Copy code

Save the code (Course ID) somewhere safe to be used later.

You will be using this code for all sections you are setting up for in this course.

Exit out of Revel and stop impersonating the instructor.

Find the Revel course to copy using the Course ID.

Open a section you will set up (the first one should be the lead instructor; ex. Sis. Elaine Tingey).

Impersonate the instructor in the section you open (add the instructor to the section first if necessary).

Select Course Materials from Navigation.

Course Materials

a. You may have to authorize the instructor (Like shown below.)


Select Launch Courseware.

If there are multiple course cards, the one you will need will be the top one.

Launch Courseware

Copy the course id saved in an earlier step. Paste it in the search bar shown below (1) and select "Find" (2).


A Course will appear. Select "Set it up."

Set it up

Update the course information and create the course.

Use the following naming conventions:

1. [COURSE CODE: Online [Sem.##] (Section ##)]

  1. Example: PSYCH 111: Online FA23 (A1)

2. Add Start/End dates.

3. Turn on All other instructors to copy this content.

4. Select Continue.


Wait for the new course to load.

Please wait and don't leave this page

Add dates and publish the assignments.

When the course loads, click on the title to open it.

Click into new course

In the Dashboard tab, you will see a list of assignments.

Click the calendar icon on the first assignment.

Edit due date

Put in the correct due date and time, then click Save and Publish.

To find the correct dates to add, open the course Setup Notes in Canvas and refer to the notes there.

Finish adding dates and publishing all of the assignments.

Sync Assignments.

Go back to this Pearson tab (you can find it by clicking Launch Courseware from Course Materials in Navigation.

You can find it by clicking Launch Courseware from Course Materials in Navigation.


Make sure the "Assignments" is clicked instead of "Overall Score" (1). Check that the "Auto" Button is turned on (2) and click "Sync Now" (3).


Once sync is finished, close out of this tab.

Move Pearson assignments into the correct assignment categories in Canvas.

Go back to the Canvas section. Stop impersonating the instructor.

Click on Assignments in Navigation.


All assignments should have imported into the first assignment category. Move them to the correct week's group.

(For example, the Week 02 assignment is a Pearson assignment and should be moved to the Week 02 category.)

Congrats! You have finished setting up this section of Canvas with Pearson Revel.

What would you like to do today?

Open the Master course and impersonate an instructor.

Go to Admin (1) and select Online (2).

navigate to admin

Type the course in the search bar (1) and select the term Master Courses (2).

navigate to the course

Open the Master.

Go to People.

If instructors are already enrolled, impersonate one of them. If not, add Brother Corey Moore as an instructor to the course.

Make sure you notify Brother Corey Moore that you are adding his account into the Master course for Perusall Master setup and get permission to impersonate him.

Ensure Perusall settings are correct.

Once you are impersonating an instructor, click on Perusall in Navigation.


In Perusall, click on Settings (1), then select LMS grade sync (2).

LMS grade sync

Make sure these settings are selected:

  • Automatically sync individual assignment scores back to the LMS
  • Instructor creates deep links in LMS; no Perusall gradebook columns will appear in LMS until deep links have been created.

If they are not, make the changes, then Save changes.

If you need to change the LMS gradebook column management setting, make sure to also check the box for deleting existing gradebook columns.

Delete existing gradebook
Save changes

Check that all Perusall assignments appear in Canvas.

You will be comparing assignments to ensure all Perusall readings appear in Canvas.

Have Perusall open on one screen and Canvas assignments open on the other.

Go down the list of assignments in Perusall and find the same assignment titles in Canvas.

If you are sure a Perusall assignment corresponds with a Canvas assignment that is named slightly differently, it may just not be paired correctly. Follow the next steps to fix this problem.

If a reading exists in Perusall but not in Canvas, or vice versa, talk to a lead.

You may need to reach out to the designer and course lead to know whether to keep/add the assignment or delete it.

Ensure all assignments have "External Tool" turned on and are linked to the correct Perusall assignment.

Go back to Canvas, then open Assignments from Navigation.


Open a Perusall reading assignment. Click the Perusall button and ensure it goes to the correct assignment.

Open in a new window

If there is not a button to open Perusall in another window, then you will need to fix this assignment.

Does the assignment 1) have the correct Perusall name, 2) use the "Load in a new window" button, and 3) go to the correct Perusall assignment?

Go through the rest of the assignments that should be linked to Perusall. Make sure they all work with the external tool and open in a new tab.

If the assignment:

  • has a slightly different name but should be using Perusall
  • doesn't have an external tab button
  • goes to the wrong Perusall assignment

Follow these next steps.

Click Edit on the assignment. Check that External Tool is the submission type (1). Click Find (2). Find and select the option Perusall (3).

External Tool > Find
Perusall External Tool

Select the assignment it should be linked to in the Assignments section (1).

Uncheck the "Import assignment instructions into LMS" checkbox (2).

Click Link to this assignment (3).

Assignment selection

If the page instructions have been replaced with generic material, cancel changes in the assignment and try again.

Make sure to follow step 2 by unchecking the "Import assignment instructions into LMS" box.

Click Select.


Check the box Open in a new tab.

Load in a new tab

Save the Canvas assignment.


Test the Load in a new window button to make sure the external resource is now linked properly.

Go through the rest of the assignments that should be linked to Perusall. Make sure they all work with the external tool and open in a new tab.

Congratulations! You've finished setting up the Master course for Perusall!

Open the instructor's Perusall account.

Find the section you will be setting up for. Add the instructor, if necessary.

Impersonate the instructor and open the section.

Click on "Perusall" in Navigation.

Perusall in Navigation

Follow the steps on the screen by clicking "Continue" in the bottom right corner.


Click "Copy existing course".

Copy existing course

Has the instructor taught this course before?

Create a copy in Perusall.

To create a copy, do the following:

1. Copy from: One of my courses

2. Course to copy: [the most recent semester]

3. Adjust all deadlines: [change date to the first due date]

4. Check the following boxes:

  • Copy instructor comments
  • Copy course settings


Then click "Continue".

Copy settings

Do the following:

1. Set the course start and end date.

2. LMS gradebook column managment: "Perusall creates gradebook columns in LMS"

3. Click "Continue".

You will be changing the LMS gradebook setting in a moment, but for now leave it this way.

In the past, Perusall has glitched and still imported its assignments separately.

Copy the Lead instructor/OCR's Copy Code in Perusall (usually the instructor for section A1).

In an incognito window, impersonate a lead instructor/OCR for that course.

Open the most recently taught section for the course.

Click on "Perusall".

Open "Settings" (1), then click on "Access > Instructors" (2).

Settings > Access > Instructors

Copy the Copy Code.

Copy code

Close out of the OCR's Perusall and stop impersonating him/her.

Create a Perusall copy using the copy code.

To create a copy, do the following:

1. Copy from: "Another instructor's course using a copy code"

2. Copy Code: [paste the code you found from the lead instructor]

3. Adjust all deadlines: [change date to the first due date]

4. Check the following boxes:

  • Copy instructor comments
  • Copy course settings

5. Click "Continue".

[screenshot needed]

Do the following:

1. Set the course start and end date.

2. LMS gradebook column managment: "Perusall creates gradebook columns in LMS"

3. Click "Continue".

You will be changing the LMS gradebook setting in a moment, but for now leave it this way.

In the past, Perusall has glitched and still imported its assignments separately.

Course dates and gradebook management

Fix Perusall settings.

1. Click on Settings.

2. Change the name of the course to match the following naming conventions:

  • [Course Name] - [Semester ####] - [Sec.##]
  • Ex. Race and Ethnic Relations - Fall 2023 - A1

In Settings, navigate to "LMS Grade Sync".

Change the LMS gradebook column management setting to:

1. "Instructor creates deep links in LMS"

2. Check the box: "Also delete existng gradebook columns".

Delete existing gradebook

Click "Save Changes".

Save changes

Make sure settings saved.

Go back into Canvas.

Navigate to "Assignments".

In the first assignment category, make sure the Perusall assignments did not import in.

This will be a list of assignments with no module requirements.

Test a few Canvas assignments.

Go back to the Canvas section. Open Assignments in Navigation.

Assignments in Navigation

Select an assignment that uses Perusall.

It may not always be clear which assignments use Perusall. To quickly learn which assignments do use it, go into Perusall in the Assignments tab.

Perusall > Assignments
Canvas > Perusall assignments

Open the Perusall assignment in a new window.

Load in a new tab

Make sure the assignment opens to the correct one.

If it does not open to the right assignment, or there is not a Load in a new window button, talk to a lead.

Test a few more assignments to make sure everything is paired correctly.

Congrats! You've finished setting up a Canvas section with Perusall!

Is the assignment uploaded in Perusall?

Login to your CCT account.

CCT account

Click "Dashboard" (1), then click your Sandbox (2).

Dashboard & Sandbox

On the left-side of the screen, scroll down to "Assignments".


Click the "+Assignment" button.


Write the name of the assignment in the Assignment Name box (1) then, write your instruction in the bigger box below (2).

Assignment name and instruction

Scroll down and filter the information.

Filter the information

1. For the Points, put how ,many points you want to give for the assignment.

2. For the Assignment Group, click the drop-down to choose which type of assignment you want to do .

Type of assignment

1. For the Submission Type, click the drop-down menu and select "External Tool".

2. Click "Find".

External Tool

Once you click "Find", it will ask you to choose which external tool you want to link. Scroll down until you find Perusall, then click it (1). Click "Select" (2).

Perusall external tool

For the Submission attempt, you can just skip it if you want to give the students unlimited time. If not, click the drop-down menu and select "Limited" (1). Put in the box how many attempts you wan to give (2).

Submission attempt.

1. Filter the due date for the assignment. click the calendar symbol on the side to choose the date.

2. Click "Save & Publish".

Due Date

Click the link to open the assignment. It will take you to Perusall.

Link to the Perusall Assignment

If the assignment is not uploaded yet in Perusall, follow the steps in this article.

Open the course you will add a Perusall assignment to. If you are not the instructor, you will need to impersonate them.

In Navigation, click "Perusall". It will open in a new window.

Perusall link

On the top-right side of Perusall homepage, click "+ Add assignment".

+Add assignment tab

Uploading the assignment in Perusall.

Click "Library".

Library link

On the right-hand side of the page, choose what type of assignment you want to upload. For this article, we will choose "Documents from my device".

Uploading the assignment

Choose what you want to upload (1), then click "Open" (2).

The assignment

Adding the assignment

At the top of the menu, click "Assignments" (1. ) then click "+Add assignments" (2).


Adding the assignment

Click the drop-down  for "content to assign" (1) and select your upload (2). Click "Next step" (3).

selecting the assignment

Filter the assignment's settings.

1. Click "Options".

2. Click the calendar symbol to select Submission deadline.

3. Select the date for the assignment's due date.

4. Choose the time.

5. Click "OK".

Selecting the due date

1. Name the assignment.

2. Write the instructions for the assignment.

Assignment's name and instruction.

1. Scroll down and click the calendar symbol on the right-hand side to pick a date when the students can see the assignment.

2. Choose a date.

3. Select a time.

4. Click "OK".

Selecting date and time for the assingment's visibility

1. Select who you want to assign the assignment.

2. Click "Next step".

Entire class button

Click "Use course scoring settings (1) then, click "Save changes" (2.)

Scoring the assignment

Once the assignment is uploaded in Perusall, go back to your sandbox and click "Assignment".

Assignments tab

Click "+Assignment".

+Assignment button

Write the name of the assignment in the Assignment Name box (1) then, write your instruction in the bigger box below (2).

Assignment's name and instruction in Canvas

Scroll down and filter the information.

Filtering the assignment

For the Points, put how ,many points you want to give for the assignment (1). For the Assignment Group, click the drop-down to choose which type of assignment you want to do (2).

FIltering the assignment

For the Submission Type, click the drop-down menu and select "External Tool" (1). Click "Find" (2).

External tool

Once you click "Find", it will ask you to choose which external tool you want to link. Scroll down until you find Perusall, then click it (1). Click "Select" (2).

Perusall External Tool

For the Submission attempt, you can just skip it if you want to give the students unlimited time. If not, click the drop-down menu and select "Limited" (1). Put in the box how many attempts you wan to give (2).

Submission attempt

Filter the due date for the assignment. Click the calendar symbol on the side to choose the date (1). Click "Save & Publish" (2).

due date and saving the assignment

There is no Pre-Copy setup that is needed with Stukent.

When it is time to set up the Canvas sections, make sure the Stukent reps have completed their part. If Stukent is not ready to set up, Brother Moore can reach out to them.

Once their part of creating the sections in Stukent is complete, you can pair the Canvas sections.

Pair Stukent in the Canvas section.

Find the section you want to set up.

Add the instructor to the section (if necessary), then impersonate them.

Once you are in the right Canvas section, click on Stukent in Navigation.

Click on the View Products drop-down arrow.

View products

Click Link Course (1). Then click Okay (2).

(DO NOT check the boxes that appear on the left.)

Select course

Verify that Stukent and Canvas paired correctly.

Click Open Stukent.

Open Stukent

In the Stukent tab that opens, ensure the instructor logged in is the correct one (look in the top right corner).

Name Here

Ensure the semester section appears in the left menu.

If the section you set up doesn’t appear, talk to Bro. Moore.

Active Courses

Clear Stukent cookies.

In Stukent, do the following:

  1. Click the lock next to the URL.
  2. Click Cookies and site data.
  3. Click Manage cookies and site data.
  4. Click the trash symbol next to each site
  5. Click Done.
Clear cookies

Exit out of this tab.

Click into the tab with Canvas open and stop impersonating the instructor.

Stop impersonating

Congratulations! You have just finished setting up a section of Canvas that uses Stukent.

Open WhatsApp.

Go to Download the desktop version by clicking on the download symbol in the URL bar.

Download screensteps

Scan the QR code to open the ERR setup WhatsApp profile (Have Bro. Moore scan the QR code with the “setup” phone).

QR code

Open the correct section to set up.

On your second screen, open up the “External Resource Setup” document with the list of courses you have to set up.

While referring to the “External Resource Setup” document, Open up your CCT admin account, under Online courses, search for the relevant course.

Be sure to include the semester that you are setting up for.

Open the Blueprint for the Block you are setting up for (Block 1 for the beginning of the semester, or Block 2 for the second half of the semester).

Course search

Once you open the blueprint course for the Semester and Block you are setting up for, click the "Blueprint" icon in the top right corner (1), then click “Associations” (2).

Blueprint tab

The Associations page will display all the Block 1 sections that we will set up

(In this example, we are going to set up 3 sections/Communities and groups in total).

Course search

Go back to the search page and locate the correct sections from the “Associations” page. Click on the instructor's name for that the section (1) and select Act as User (2).

Instructor link
Act as user

Open that section from their dashboard.

NOTE: The instructor might be teaching multiple sections. To make sure you open the correct block section, open a section, click on Settings in Navigation (1) and check the SIS ID (2) to make sure the section number is correct.


Find the discussion groups.

Once you are sure you are in the correct block section, click Discussions in Navigation.


Locate the assignment with "Group sign up" and open it.

Group sign up discussion

A list of the groups and group names will show, these are the groups you will have to create in WhatsApp.

Teams in discussions

Create the WhatsApp groups.

Leave this page open. On your second screen, open up the WhatsApp window.

On the WhatsApp profile, click on the “Communities” icon (the icon with three people) (1), then click on New Community (2).

New Community

Create the Community name using the following naming conventions:

[COURSE CODE]_[sem.##]_[(section-block)].

Ex. GESCI 110 FA23 (B1-2)

New Community name

To make the section look neat and presentable, you can use the course icon/image found in the Canvas course files and upload it as the display picture for the community.

Click on the option Add group (1), then click Create new group (2).

Create new group

Referencing the list of groups from the instructor’s course in the other window, Create all the groups in WhatsApp, matching the group names exactly as found in Canvas.

Match group name

Note: Sometimes there might be 20 groups on the list but instructors want less.

Verify the number of groups that need to be created by going to the “Pages” tab in Canvas (1), Click View All Pages (2), open the page -Setup Notes & Course Settings (3), and look in the External Resources section (4) for further setup instructions for you to verify with.

View all pages
Setup notes

This is an example of an External Resources section that explains groups.

External resources in setup notes

After creating all of the Groups, it should look like the example below (The section/community name as the header and the groups in a list).

Groups in WhatsApp

Fix WhatsApp group settings.

Open a group. There will be a message that states “New participants need admin approval to join this group. Click to change”.

Click on the “Click to change” message (1).

A new page will pop up with the groups settings. Under the “Approve new participants” setting, change it to ”Off” (2).

WhatsApp settings

Change this setting in all of the groups.

Find invite links and create an email draft.

Open the Community profile. Click on the Invite icon to copy the link to the community. Paste this link in an email.

Invite link

This link lets the instructor join the group so you can grant them admin access to the community and groups.

Copy the invite links to each of the groups and paste them and in an email.

You can get the instructor’s email address when you click on their name to impersonate them (completed in an earlier step).

Default Email

Use the following email template:

To: [instructor email]

CC: [Bro. Corey Moore's email]

Subject: WhatsApp group setup for [Course Code] [Sem.##] ([Sec.##-B#]


Hello [instructor's name],

I am reaching out to inform you about the WhatsApp group setup for [Course Code] [Sem.##] ([Sec.##-B#]. As I am setting up the "Community" and its 20 [Teach One Another/Case Study/etc.] Groups, I would like to invite you to join.

To join the [Course code/semester/section] Community, please use the following link: [Community link]

The following are the 20 [Teach One Another/Case Study/etc.] teams/groups to join:

[name of the group]: [invite link]

[name of the group]: [invite link]

[name of the group]: [invite link]

Once you have joined the community and its various groups, I will assign you as an admin, granting you the necessary privileges to manage the group and perform admin functions. I have also gone on every group in Canvas and added a link for the respective groups/students to join.

Thank you for your participation and contribution. Please email me back as soon as you join the various groups so I can continue the process of adding you as admin.

Best regards,


Email example

Do NOT send the email yet. Continue to the next step.

Give the WhatsApp group link to each discussion group.

On the Discussions page you have open with all of the groups (still impersonating the instructor), open the first group by clicking the group name. Click Reply in that discussion group.

Reply in group

Create the following comment while impersonating the instructor:

Join your group using the following link: [paste invite link for that corresponding group]

Make sure that the group name on Canvas matches the WhatsApp link you are posting into the group.

Group comment

Do this with all the groups.

Send email to the instructor and add them as Admin to each group.

Once you are done, send the email to the instructor you drafted earlier and wait for them to join all the groups.

Once the instructor has joined all of the groups, grant them admin access in WhatsApp. To do this, click "Manage community" (1), click the instructor's phone number, then select "Make Admin" (2).

Manage community
Make Admin

Follow these steps in each group to make the instructor an Admin.

Send a follow-up email.

After ensuring you have made them admin to the community and relevant groups, send the instructor an email to inform them of the updates.

You can follow this template:

Good day,

I have made you Admin in the "Community" chat and the groups you have joined. You should be able to go ahead and make announcements. Let us know if there is anything else we can help out with.

Kind regards,


Congratulations! You've finished setting up a section of WhatsApp!


Find blueprint courses in sub-account

  1. Navigate to the Pathway Sub-Account in Canvas
  2. Filter by the term you are setting up the courses in
  3. Check "Show only blueprint courses" to hide sections from view
Pathway Sub-Account

Open each blueprint for the PC Gateway courses

Don't open any of the PC 101, 102, or 103 variants. If you have any questions about what to edit, please reach out to Bro. Moore. Here are the current courses you need to worry about:

  1. BUSPC 115
  2. BUSPC 116
  3. CONPC 221
  4. CSEPC 110
  5. FAMPC 160
  6. PBHPC 240
  7. RELPC 261
  8. TESPC 101

Use LinkClump to open the links in separate tabs.

Don't do these steps in any Ensign College courses unless otherwise instructed by Bro. Moore.

Pathway Sub-Account Tabs

Make sure the navigation matches the course template

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Select "Navigation" from the top menu
  3. Order the course navigation so that it matches the OCT

Please don't turn off VitalSource or any other external resource that the course might use. If you have questions, please reach out to Bro. Moore.

Course navigation menu

Example: as seen in the image above, "New Analytics" is not part of the OCT, not considered an external resource, and is not VitalSource. For these reasons, you would move it from the top section to the bottom and place it in alphabetical order.

Update "University Policies" link to direct to the one for BYU Pathway Worldwide

  1. Go to "Modules" in the course
  2. Find "Student Resources" at the bottom of the list
  3. Select the three dots to the right of "University Policies" and select Edit
Modules: Student Resources
  1. Update the URL to this:

Please copy and paste exactly as seen below. This is a dynamic link that will take you to the current version of the resource.
  1. Select "Update" to save the changes to the link
Edit Item Details
  1. Test the link to make sure it goes to the correct page. It should be the BYU Pathway Worldwide university policies page as shown below.
BYU Pathway Worldwide University Policies

Please make sure that the link is indented properly in modules and set to open in a new window. This is important for a consistent experience across all courses.

Update the "Online Support Center" link in modules to "Pathway Support Center"

  1. Go to "Modules" in the course
  2. Find "Student Resources" at the bottom of the list
  3. Select the three dots to the right of "Online Support Center" and select edit
Modules: Student Resources
  1. Change the title from "Online Support Center" to "Pathway Support Center"
  2. Update the URL to this:
  1. Select "Update" to save the changes to the link
Edit Item Details
  1. Test the link to make sure it goes to the right page. It should be the BYU Pathway Worldwide support page as shown below.
BYU Pathway Worldwide Support

Please make sure that the link is indented properly in modules and set to open in a new window. This is important for a consistent experience across all courses.

Sync changes from the blueprint to the connected sections

  1. Open up the blueprint panel in the top right side of the course
  2. Check the "Include Course Settings" to ensure a complete sync
  3. Click "Sync" to begin the process
Bluprint panel

Quality Check: Open up a section after the sync finishes and check to make sure the links are updated in modules. If they are not correct, make any needed fixes.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

1. What can help me with


Open the PathwayConnect TSV Google Spreadsheet

Update Column A with appropriate value for Year and Term

Last 2 digits of the year, plus 1 = Winter, 2 = Spring 3 = Fall, 4 = Summer.

i.e. Spring 2021 = 212

Log in to VerbaConnect.

You will need LastPass with Brother Corey Moore's account to access VerbaConnect.

In LastPass, open VerbaConnect.

Let Brother Moore know you are going to set up for VerbaConnect because you will need his help logging in.

With Brother Moore's permission, click "Login to Connect".

You will see a screen to enter a code. Brother Moore will be able to give you the temporary code to enter.

Once you've entered the code, you will be brought to the homepage.

Open VerbaConnect's Sections without LMS IDs.

Open the drop-down in the top left corner and select the semester you are setting up for.

In the top menu, select "Courses" (1), then click on "Sections without LMS IDs" in the left menu (2).

Open the Canvas course and copy the URL number.

In another window, open Canvas course search.

In the next steps, it is imperative that you have a very high attention to detail to open the correct Canvas section.

Search by course code (1)

Filter by the semester you are setting up for (2)

In another tab, open the section with the exact section name as in VerbaConnect (3).

NOTE 1: Notice that the sections are not in order. Look at the SIS ID for the right section.

NOTE 2: Make sure the SIS ID is exact, not close.

  • In this case, section 02 corresponds with GE 105.2, NOT GE 105.A2.

Now that the section is open, copy the URL course number.

Add LMS match in VerbaConnect.

In VerbaConnect, for the section with the exact name/section number, click "Add LMS Match".

Select "Manual" (1), paste the number from the URL (2), then select "Match to Section" (3).

Repeat these steps to finish each section and course.


Create a copy of the BIO 264L and 265L Campus Masters

Use these Campus Masters to make a copy:

  1. BIO 264L
    1. Course Name: Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab I (Campus Blueprint _Semester_)
    2. Course Code: BIO 264L Campus BP _abbreviatedSemester_
  2. BIO 265L
    1. Course Name: Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab II (Campus Blueprint _Semester_)
    2. Course Code: BIO 265L Campus BP _abbreviatedSemester_

Cross-list the sections in the semester you are setting up if they are teaching two or more of the same course

Add each cross-listed section to the Blueprint and sync

Note: Don't sync the empty sections that were cross-listed.


Find the course you are creating.

Go to the "PathwayConnect Preview Courses" Google spreadsheet. Check the sheet for the phrase "Not running" under the "Current Version" column.

Note: While the spreadsheet always needs to be checked if the course is not running, sometimes it will be necessary to create courses for the cells that say “coming soon” rather than for the courses that say “not running."

Log in to your Canvas Administration account.

Click Admin. Choose the Pathway option to go to the Pathway domain.

Click Filter by term and select Master Courses. Search for the course name from the spreadsheet under Search courses. For this tutorial, the course "PC 101 Streamlined Block" will be used.

Create a new course.

Go to the Master Course and click Settings. Open it in a new tab.

Copy the course.

Edit the course details. The details changed will be the name, course code, term, content, and due dates.

Finalize the course details.

This screen will appear to show the progress of the copy being created. Do not import any content. You will automatically be taken to the new course.

Scroll down and go to Settings.

Click the drop down menu for Subaccounts. Choose "Previews" under "PathwayConnect."

Scroll down to the bottom. Change the formatting to be "Online." Click Update Course Details.

Go to People.

Click the three dots to the side of your name and click Remove From Course.

Go back to the Master Course that you have open in the other tab. Go to the People tab.

Click the Groups tab to see if there are any other groups in the Master Course. If there are groups, those will need to be replicated in the new course that you created.

Go back to the new course. Click Syllabus and scroll down until you reach the "Course Summary." There should be no dates listed.

Click the Home tab. Copy the URL for the course's homepage.

Using the naming conventions from the other cells, fill in the information for the new course. Use Control + K for quick access to add a link. Add the link to the cell for the course under "Current Version."

After you have finished all of these steps, contact Corey Moore to send him the link for the new course and ask for him to publish the course.

Congratulations, you are done!


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